Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Polarization in Us Politics

Analyze the evidence that American politics is becoming more polarized. If so, is this a reaction to the polarization of political elites? Approx 1500 words 13/12/10 â€Å"The election of 2008†¦ marked the end of an epoch. No longer could Republicans count on the basic conservatism of the American people, the reflexive hostility to candidates who favour big government† (Darman, 2010, 34)In the 1970s and 1980s there was a consensus that the importance of political parties was in decline, that the shared conservative ideology of the American electorate was reflected in the similar ideology and policy of the Democratic and Republican party. Now, however, the parties are seemingly taking on renewed importance as the population of the United states grows less and less homogenous. There is now a consensus in the American media that their politics are increasingly Polarized between the liberal voters who vote Democrat, and the more traditional conservatives who support the Repub lican Party.This essay will assess the evidence for whether or not the American political system is indeed polarizing, and if so, then for what reasons? The role of political elites will also be examined, whether or not they are polarizing aswell, and whether this is a large contributing cause of the polarising of the mass? Many, including Marc Hetherington, contend that there has indeed been a period of mass and elite polarisation, and Hetherington believes that the mass polarization is a reaction to the elites increasing partisanship (2001, 621, 629).There is evidence in surveys that the political elite is polarizing; the amount of self proclaimed â€Å"very conservative† Republicans in congress and senate has risen from 12 to 30 percent since 1972, and the amount of â€Å"very liberal† Democrats has risen from 8 to 20 percent (Stone, 2010, 39), this shows that as much as half of delegates are radicals. For this reason political debate has grown more and more rancoro us, both in Washington DC and in the media. The role of information in Democracy cannot be understated, it is a cornerstone of Dahls Polyarchy (1972).Although some media companies may attest to attempting to provide news without bias, their agenda as businesses is to turn a profit and as it is common for them to take up political positions in order to gain market share. To illustrate this, Fox News 24 hour television station was introduced in 1996 (this in itself could be seen as evidence for polarization) and by 2000 had managed to attract 17 percent of the US population by adopting a staunchly conservative viewpoint (DellaVigna, Kaplan, 2007), while one must stop short of attributing the Republican success at the 2000 election to the introduction of a conservative news station.The same study shows that not Fox News' emergences causation with an increase in voter turnout (DellaVigna, Kaplan, 2007, 1228), arguably mobilising a previously disenchanted group. The radical left and righ t leaning delegates mentioned above are naturally the most visible politicians to the public in terms of media coverage as a result of the medias wont for framing politics in terms of conflict (Hetherington, 2001, 622).It follows that the mass public will draw their positions from the partisan opinions and attitudes which they are exposed to on their televisions and in their newspapers, either in support of, or by vehemently disagreeing with, the controversial politicians, political pundits and journalists, and will express these outlooks in the polls come election time. One tool which the media can use to project an image of a polarized country is by utilising state boundaries to show the success of the different parties in nationwide elections.The red state/ blue state maps are now a fixture of the news coverage as election results flood in, but it is interesting to note that as recently as 1984 Democratic victories were shown in red and Republican in blue. It is also curious that red, long the colour of Marxism, of Red China and Communist USSR (Patton, 2004). The only relevance of these points is to show that the apparent deep rooted polarized political situation is both modern and subject to quite sudden change. The red/ blue map shown in Figure one shows how modern Polarisation has manifested itself over the last four elections.The dark red and blue show that those states have voted Republican or democratic respectively all four times. Lighter shades show that party has won all but once, while purple shows states which have gone to the Republicans and Democrats twice each. On first glance this seems to back up the polarization theory, as Fiorina and Adams put it; â€Å"when the 2004 election almost reproduced the 2000 map, belief in the polarization narrative peaked as social conservatives gloated about the purported importance of â€Å"values voters† for the re-election of President Bush, and liberal commentators bitterly accepted that interpreta tion. â€Å"(2008, 564, 565)However when one examines the map in figure 2 which breaks down the 2008 election by county, rather than state. This map seems to throw an interesting side note onto the red state/ blue state theory. While there is seldom a completely red or blue dominated state, in terms of area covered on the map, there is far more covered by republican red. The fact that the democrats won the election with so much less area covered shows that the blue areas are high in population denstity- cities and large towns. Rather than Republican south versus Democratic coasts, Figure 2 indicates a division between Rural Republican and Urban Democrat areas.Fig. 1 Fig. 2 There are other problems with the above quote, which Fiorina and Abrams do draw attention to. For instance the assumed intrinsic connections common to the â€Å"value voters† are not as strong as they may seem. For instance Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry managed to pull one third of white eva ngelicals, and one third of gun owners (Fiorina and Abrams, 2008, 568). These are two criterion of the stereotypical conservative Bible-Belt citizen, and the media would have us believe that almost every single one would have supported the incumbent George W.Bush. This exaggeration is typical of the American media's attempt to depict American politics as more polarized than it is. Haley Barbour, governor of Mississippi and former chairman of the republican party here how he takes political news (in this case the pessimism about the future of the Republican party after the election of Barack Obama in 2008) with a pinch of salt; â€Å"In politics, things are never as good as they seem (in the media) and they're never as bad as they seem† (Darman, 2010)If there is such polarization in the USA, such defined political cleavages, why then is every election so tightly contested, which Barone calls â€Å"The 49 Percent Nation† (Kaus, 2004)? Surely if the nation was split along regional, urban/ rural, religious or ideological divides, then surely one group would be able to dominate the other, at least periodically, and one party would enjoy longer periods in office. In the past two decades no Presidential candidate has acheived more than 54% of the popular vote. Barbour implies that the greatest reason the democrats won the 2008 election is because it was simply â€Å"their turn† (Darman, 2010).Mickey Kaus of political comment website Slate Magazine, attributes this seemingly strange run of results to the Median Voter Theory, also known as the Black Theorem (Black, 1948). Kaus explains that the ideological positions of the Republican and Democratic parties are not fixed, they do not remain where the lines in figure 3 show, rather they will gravitate towards the point upon the scale which will guarantee the greatest support. Because of this, in both the upper and lower graphs (ie regardless of whether the voting public is polarized or not) both the main parties would lie more or less in the centre of the graph.The non proportional representation, two party electoral system reinforces this, as if their were many parties competing seriously it would allow for minority parties which could take up more extreme left or right points on the scale. Figure. 3- the vertical lines represent where ideology-driven liberal and conservative parties would be fixed upon the scale. The other line in each graph shows the how the voters are distributed along the political spectrum. In conclusion, there is significant evidence to show that a period of polarization has been occuring in the politics of the United States of America since approximately the mid 1990's.There are a myriad of reasons which could be applied, too many to be mentioned here, for example Hetherington mentions that Presidential approval ratings and poor economic performance can often lead to polarization. The greatest factor however, to stretch the US electorate's homogeneity i s the influence of the elites and the mass media. Arguably this could be seen as a give-and-take progression, with the elites emerging from the mass to elevated positions from which they may influence the mass, and the media reacting to the mass in order to produce a marketable service.Furthermore it is important to note that although the USA does exist in a somewhat polarized state, the extent of that polarization is not as clearcut as sections of the media would have one believe. The US is not simply a nation off older gun toting, gay hating, anti abortion Republicans and younger coastal, ethnically diverse gay loving pro-choice socialist Democrats. Perhaps a more apt description would be as a nation of centralist influenced by a small amount of more extreme outliers of liberal and conservative persuasion.Bibliography Political Polarization in the American Public, Fiorina, Morris and Abrams, Samuel, 2008, Stanford Resurgent Mass Partisanship: The Role of Elite Polarization, Hether ington, Marc, 2001, American Political Science Review The Fox News Effect; Media Bias and Voting, DellaVigna, Stefano and Kaplan, Ethan, 2007, Harvard On the Rationale of Group Decision Making, Black, Duncan, 1948, Chicago The Anti-Obama,Darman, Jonathan, 2010, Newsweek Fight Club, Thomas, Evan and Taylor Jr, Stuart, 2010, Newsweek

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Develop Goals Essay

As the course of weeks of planning have interpose realizing a campus improvement plan is an essential item for any growth of a learning environment. Modifying our processes, teaching practices and student learning is vital to notice in order to make our action plan become successful. We must not forget the fact that our action plan is intertwined with the vision and mission set up by the administration team for the campus. Following this will be a chart as a draft of a school improvement plan based on the data acquired from Del Castillo Elementary. It includes a summary of the feedback and goals set by my principal mentor and several other stakeholders from the campus. Through positive collaboration, teamwork from all stakeholders and the correct support the plan can be implemented in a successful manner for continuous improvement. Strategies Set up lessons and assessments based on the TEKS tested for each grade level. Match readiness and supporting standards set up on the TEA blueprint to meet weekly assessments given in class. Provide training for teachers based on best practices and test taking strategies to be used by students. Goals: (See Figure 1.1) The results of the 2014 STAAR test demonstrates a need for improvement in 4th grade writing, 3rd grade reading and math, and 5th grade reading and math subjects. Resources: Journeys Reading Program (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), Empowering Writers (J. Mariconda), Pearson Envision, Campus Reading Coach, Campus Dean of Instruction, STAAR Workbooks (varies by grade level) Target Barriers: In 2014 the 4th grade percentage for the writing STAAR test was at 47 percent meeting standard, this will need to increase to  70 percent. For 3rd grade reading it was at 37%, it will need to increase to 50%. 3rd grade math was at 41%, it will need to increase to 50%. For 5th grade reading it was at 36% it will need to be raised to 60%, and for math it was at 42% and it will need to be raised to 67%. Action: Data reports of TEKS mastered will be used by teacher to provide interventions for each of the above subject mentioned, to target each learner’s area of difficulties. Provide questionnaires to several stakeholders to improve the structure of testing. (See figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) Personnel Responsible: Classroom teachers, reading coach, dean of instruction. Evidence of Completion: District Benchmark (1 for the fall semester (November) see Figure 1.2, 1 spring semester (February).) Percentages, 2015 STAAR results taken in April 2015. Figure 1.1 2014 STAAR Results (Percentage of Students Meeting Standard) Figure 1.2 2014 District Benchmark (November) Figure 2.1 Student Questionnaire Purpose: To improve a testing experience for our students to increase the percentage of students meeting the standards of the standardized test. 1) What grade levels have you attended Del Castillo Elementary? 2) Do you enjoy having no physical education time or pullout time during testing days? 3) Would snacks during testing break help you focus on the test? 4) Do you enjoy incentives provided for passing your benchmarks? 5) How many brain breaks do you believe you should receive during a testing day? Figure 2.2 Parent Questionnaire Purpose: Parents are knowledgeable of testing procedures and improve motivation from parent to student at home. 1) Do you express confidence in your son/daughters campus to teach the skills necessary to meet the standard of the standardized test? 2) Do you prefer public schooling or private schooling? 3) Would you like extra services to teach your child not to have test anxiety? 4) Do you prefer for classroom teachers to teach to test or have enviroment rich activities? 5) Do you believe standardized testing creates a negative impact on your child? 6) If a teacher does not have a good percentage of students passing the STAAR test, would you judge that teacher as a â€Å"bad† teacher? 7) How many years have your children attended Del Castillo Elementary? 8) Are you satisfied with the kind of motivation the campus promotes to your child to motivate them to pass the STAAR test? 9) How many of your children attend Del Castillo Elementary? 10) Are the STAAR scores important for you? 11) What do you consider more important your child’s STAAR scores or report card grades? Figure 2.3 Teacher Questionnaire Purpose: Promote motivation within teachers to increase passing percentages. 1) What is your position at Del Castillo Elementary? 2) How many years have you been teaching in this campus? 3) Would you prefer to work a private school campus that does not require students to take a state mandated standardized test? 4) What do you think should be the student to teacher ratio for the testing grade levels? 5) What kind of motivation rewards should be offered to students that meet the standards on benchmarks and on the STAAR test? 6) Are the resources provided useful to your instruction to teach all TEKS tested in your grade level? 7) What supplemental aids should be provided on a yearly basis to increase the percentage of students passing the STAAR test? 8) Do you feel that you have to â€Å"teach to the test†? 9) Does the emphasis on improving state standardized test scores impact your classroom positively or negatively? 10) How much emphasis did your school place on students’ state standardized test results to evaluate your performance? 11) Has the use of state standardized test scores and outcomes  led you to consider leaving the profession? 12) During the last school year, how much pressure did you feel from school administrators to improve state standardized test scores?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Worldwide View on the Death Penalty Research Paper

Worldwide View on the Death Penalty - Research Paper Example Moreover, criminal activities that may result in a death penalty are referred to capital offences or capital crimes. The phrase capital stems from a Latin word meaning execution that is undertaken through beheading (Hood 8). In previous times, capital punishment has been put into practice by a large number of societies. Presently, 58 countries aggressively put it into practice, and 97 nations have abolished it. The remaining nations have not employed death penalty for almost 10 years or only practice it in isolated occasions, for example, during war time. In addition, the death penalty is a subject of dynamic controversy in a number of states and countries, and opinions may differ within a sole cultural religion or political ideology. Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union proscribes the employment of capital punishment. Presently, Amnesty International deems a large number of countries as abolitionist. In 2007, 2008, and 2010, the United Nations General Assembly adopted non-binding declarations requiring a global moratorium on executions, with an aim to ultimate abolition. Even though numerous countries have abolished the death penalty, more than 60% of the population of the world resides in nations where executions occur, for example, the United States of America, China, and Iran. Also, the United States of America and China voted against the resolutions of the General Assembly (Hood 54). This paper will analyze the worldwide view on the death penalty while looking at the trends that have affected obliteration of the death sentence in states that have abolished it, the movement towards global abolition of the death penalty, some of the major countries who practice the death penalty, trends between pro death penalty countries. It will also analyze the potential of abolition in these countries, the role of international organizations in the search for a worldwide abolition, and the differences that might exist in public opinion reg arding the death penalty around the world. The global death penalty trends are obviously in the direction of abolition. The practice of the death penalty globally has continued to reduce in size, and use of the death penalty has also been gradually more restrained in international law. Since 1990, approximately 3 nations have abolished the death penalty, and currently, 141 countries and almost two-thirds of the globe have abolished the death penalty or have terminated capital punishment in practice or law (Mandery 36). The Hungarian Constitutional Court asserted that the death penalty abuses human dignity and the inherent right to life as highlighted in article 54 of the constitution, on October 24th, 1990. This had the impact of abolishing the death penalty for all criminal activities in the country. The South African Constitutional Court affirmed the death penalty for murder as illustrated by the laws to be contrary with the exclusion of punishment, cruel, degrading or inhuman tre atment, or punishment under the nation’s acting constitution, on 6th June 1995. On 9th December 1998 the Republic of Lithuania’s Constitutional Court judged the death penalty for murder in the Criminal Code conflicts with the Constitution on protecting the right to life. The Ukrainian Constitutional Court asserted that the death penalty was not constitutional and the laws permitting it invalid on 29th December 1999. The constitution prohibits torture and inhuman behavior that abuses human dignity. On 11th November 1999 the Republic of Albania’s Constitutional Court declared the death penalty in peace time as conflicting with the constitution, which gives the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Art and craft in school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art and craft in school - Essay Example vity and diversity of the students possess and a magnitude of respect by showing the strength of character and originality thus improving communication and creativity in school. The condition of the school environment reflects its style and character. Including art and craft in the classroom environment creates an engaging foundation of trust among the students especially during the crucial stage where the class activity acquires self-sustaining and viability (Tuttle & Silva, 2009). I discovered that art is an investment in the culture of the school and should be preserved for the benefits of the students. In reserving original and best art in the classrooms highlight a sense of power to the students. It revealed an increased in performance after allowing the students to decorate their thoughts in the classrooms. The activity increased communication among the thus showing that art boosts their thoughts and influences the culture for growth. Art also increases the quality of life in the school environment. Art has a manipulative ability as is different every time one sees it thus; many students associate art with the essential effort related with the artist thus generates the effort to succeed in their activities. (Paquette & Tuttle, 2009 pg113). Art increases a complete approach to diverse programs during school hours thus increasing the performance as many students labor towards the purpose of their achievements. Art is also used in the class to make an impact to the people in the society. Paintings created through learning process are donated to people as a way of giving back to the community. Students with various arts display their work and feel proud while people appreciate their effort thus igniting their efforts towards success. An art creates an opportunity for students with learning difficulties to express their feelings and boost their memory (Tuttle & Silva, 2009). Students with learning complications may have problems in recalling what they have

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Challenges of E Learning and How I Propose to Deal with Them Essay

The Challenges of E Learning and How I Propose to Deal with Them - Essay Example Online learning refers to such environment where teachers have no physical presence and both students and teachers have to communicate with each other using different communication technologies, such as, internet. E-learning offers a number of considerable benefits to students. Some of the main benefits of learning for students include learning flexibility, improved adaptability to technology, improved computer skills, improved time management ability, and improved communication skills. In the present world, online learning is making its ground because it is proving very beneficial for distance learners (Shepherd 2012). "E-learning with its more active and interesting opportunities is gradually replacing the traditional form of teaching† (Roy 2010, p. 1). However, there exist some problems that learners usually face while studying in an online learning environment. In this paper, we will discuss some key problems that students face when studying in online environments. The pape r will also include some discussion on the ways that can be used to overcome those challenges. 2. Main Issues Some of the main problems for distance learners in online learning environments include decreased interaction with teachers, difficulty in communication through writing, lack of group discussion, and lack of web navigation skills. All of these problems make distance learning difficult for students. Let us discuss these problems in detail and find some solutions to overcome these issues. 2.1 Communication through Writing Communication through writing is one of the main problems associated with e-learning system. E-learning system requires people to be skilled in communicating with fellows and teachers through writing because most of the communication takes place in written form. â€Å"In online learning environment, most communications will be done in written format† (Havert 2010, p. 1). As compared to traditional learning system where students can interact with each o ther and with their teachers verbally, e-learning system requires students to be more efficient in writing. Some people are not skilled in doing electronic mode of communication, such as emails and it creates problems for them as online students. Another very important think to consider in online study environments is the ability to use of blackboards and discussion boards. For example, if we talk about discussion boards, we can say that they not only enable communication between teachers and students but also provide a way to the students to interact with other students. Some online institutes make use of graded discussion boards to measure knowledge of the students. In graded discussion boards, teachers ask the students to write short paragraphs on the topics provided by them. Teachers mark the responses of the students considering the relevance of the content with the topic. Some students are not skilled in the use of graded discussion boards because of which they sometimes miss the deadlines of the discussions and get no marks allocated for the graded discussions. Solution As the ability to communicate through writing is very important for a student doing online study, therefore, students should improve their written communication skills to be successful in online learning environments. They should improive their computer skills, as well as internet skills to reap the benefits of e-learning. Moreover, it is also the

America's Rise as a World Power from 1865-1898 Essay

America's Rise as a World Power from 1865-1898 - Essay Example Additionally, America signed treaties for trade with nations like France, a sign that shows the increase in trade relations, which also increased economic growth. The economic expansion of America to other countries is also another factor that contributed to its rise as a world power. The idea of expansion of trade internationally was started by William Seward with the help of other individuals. This was an advantage to America because the expansion and colonization of other nation increased the accessibility of raw materials for industrial purposes. With the availability of raw materials, industries expanded so did the economy. Moreover, American products were sold outside the country, which was because of the expansion of industries due to the industrial revolution. With the availability of surplus products in the market, America expanded its businesses to other countries. Additionally, the country made investments in other countries, which ensured that raw materials were available for industrial use, for example, America invested in oil fields in Mexico. The investment and expansion of America’s business to other nations was an advan tage to them because of the availability of cheap labor. Efficient communications that were invented helped increase trade within different nations. With the increase in trade because of the production of many products, America raised its status to one of the powerful nations. Coalitions of America with other nation for military, trade and industrial benefit is another contributing factor to its rise as a world power. England and America come together as trading partners after solving their differences that had aroused from the enmity they had because of San Juan Islands. Relations with other big nations like German and Russia was improved by German agreements to give islands of dispute to the Americans. Russians is seen to have sold Alaska to America. With the expansion of America beyond the Pacific, its economic power increased which also lead to its rise as a super power. America growth as to power was also contributed by the expansion of its military. They considered the expansion of the military because of involvement in trade and investments in other nations. Additionally, they also had to consider expansion done by other countries on their military system and follow suit. With the support of the idea of military expansion by Alfred Mahan, who argued that military expansion could guarantee Americans safety of their businesses, America’s economy could also be increased by a growth of the military. With the idea of Alfred, America was to build a military system and navy inclusive of stations throughout the world. This would ensure them the takeover of the world as a superpower. Events that led to Spanish War of 1898 Before the Spanish war of 1898, Cubans were in the hands of Spanish colonists and they tried to free themselves from the colonists. With the idea of getting independence from the Spanish, they revolted against the Spanish using guerilla war tactics. The Cuban uprising against the Spanish failed, which prompted the Spanish to impound the lager Cuban population and put them in one location, a situation that lead to a humanitarian crisis. This is because the location that the Cubans were detained made them easily exposed to diseases and malnutrition. America saw these situations

Friday, July 26, 2019

Clinical Teaching Strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Clinical Teaching Strategies - Assignment Example The clinical faculty even needs to know about the set method that the faculty member needs to follow in case of an emergency and they need to be informed about the technological requirements associated with their position. 2. In order to pursue the position of nursing clinical faculty an incumbent needs to be a licensed registered nurse of the state in which they are practicing and they even need to have a minimum two years of practicing experience as a clinical (Duke School of Nursing, 2011). Other than a license to practice the incumbent should at the minimum have a Bachelors’ of Science in nursing which is four year long program and is very essential as it helps students in preparing for a career in the field of nursing and even assist them in gaining further education in the same field. Higher preference is given by nursing educational institutes to those incumbents who have attained Masters’ of Science in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Paul and Elder Critical Thinking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Paul and Elder Critical Thinking - Assignment Example Intellectual courage is also another very important trait that an intellect should have. This is having a conscious to face and address presented ideas and believes or points of views of other individuals. One should not just take believes and theories from people irrespective of their educational background. All the ideas presented should be subjected to questioning so that facts can be extracted from the claims presented. Critical thinking involves people analyzing thoughts of other people to find out if there is an error of reasoning in the thinking aspects. We should not consider anything said or written to be true because there might be a given form of information distortion and hence it’s our obligation as listeners to determine that particular distortion and correct it through meaningful questioning and giving the possible answers. The third and very important intellectual trait discussed is the intellectual empathy. This is the conscious that is brought out during a thinking and imagination process. Errors in imagination should not be taken lightly. This can be described as a way of putting oneself in the imaginative shoes so that one can exactly understand the feeling and the meaning of a given imagination presented to the public. This trait also reminds one at a given past when the thinking to a given issue that was not all as what was expected. Each person must at one point differ with other individuals especially colleagues in the thinking process. Hence remembering is an important factor presented by this trait. Other traits include intellectual integrity, intellectual perseverance, faith in reasoning and fair-mindedness. All these traits once adopted, an error in reasoning cannot occur. Hence each individual should struggle to think rightly to avoid any form of miscommunication or distortion of the intended message that is to be passed

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Market Models of Education - Pros and Cons Essay - 2

Market Models of Education - Pros and Cons - Essay Example The authors of the Brave new classrooms : democratic education & the Internet argue that even though the online courses might have their place in providing for a higher level of education with respect to the social sciences or to the hard sciences, argues that the provision of online classes in terms of teaching creative writing skills is doing a strong disservice to students around the world. As a function of analyzing this particular point of view and summarizing it, the following critique will provide an interpretation into the method of argument that the authors in question use and this student’s view of whether or not it is an effective argument or not. Essentially, the authors indicate that there are several key reasons why Internet sources are not sufficient in teaching creative writing, or even writing in general. Firstly, the basis of traditional writing courses, as defined by the authors, has been predicated on small groups for many decades. As denoted within the chapter, this is not by accident. Instead, the utilization of small groups increases the overall level of interaction, self and peer review, and other relevant factors relating to the way in which creative writing is taught. However, within the Internet classroom, the overall interaction between students is necessarily limited and a one dimensional level of interaction between the instructor and the student is ultimately affected. Another rationale that the authors provide for why electronic courses are not as effective in teaching writing has to do with the fact that Internet classes necessarily pander to the elements of computer writing and professional business correspondence. The authors argue that even though it is true that these elements should doubtless be taught, to base entire courses on this is to lose sight of how effective writing techniques have produced exceptional articles, books, and opinions the past several decades.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Financial Analysis of Burberry Group Plc Coursework

Financial Analysis of Burberry Group Plc - Coursework Example In relation to the study the company which has been selected is Burberry Group Plc is a British luxury fashion house established in 1856 and listed on the London Stock Exchange since 2002. Its business’s mainline involves the sourcing, designing, manufacturing, and marketing of high-end clothing as well as non-apparel accessories for customer segments including women, men, and children. Customers can reach Burberry products through its diversified distribution network of retail, wholesale, digital and licensing channels operated in the United Kingdom and across the world. In the year 2012, Burberry was ranked the 82nd best global brand in the world with regards to its high operating value and such ranking has been improved for the past few years. Therefore, it is worth studying its financial information to see how its operation has developed causing increasing company’s value. For the purpose of carrying out a financial performance analysis of Burberry, the financial st atements of the company pertaining to the last three financial years have been reformulated (See Appendix). The reformulation of balance sheet reveals the net operating assets (NOA) of the company, net debt, and net equity. On the other hand, the reformulation of income statement has revealed the recurring items and non-recurring or exceptional items in the income statement of Burberry. The income statement has been reformulated in two ways, i.e. full reformulation and basic reformulation. The basic reformulation does not include exceptional or non-recurring items in the income statement, whereas in full reformulation, each and every time has been included in the reformulated income statement. The overall analysis of the income statement for Burberry pertaining to the last four financial years shows that the sales growth declined in 2010 in comparison with 2009, whereas the growth rate showed improvement on consistent basis in 2011 and 2012. The main reason behind this consistency in sales growth is considerable increase in the retail sales of the company in the last two years. In addition to this, as the company is also engaged in the wholesales, there is a insignificant increase in wholesales also noted, which has contributed to the growth in sales revenue to some extent. Reformulated Income Statement (Full) 2012 2011 2010 2009 (Sales growth based on previous financial year) 1.24 1.17 1.07 1.21 As per the reformulated income statement, common size income statements for full and basic income statements have been prepared. Common Sized Income Statement Based on Full Reformulation (Excludes Unusual Items

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Character of Uncle Tom Essay Example for Free

The Character of Uncle Tom Essay Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin† made such a momentous statement in American culture, at the time it was published, until today, in the 21st century. Some secondary schools had the book banned from their roster of books in their libraries, mainly because of its supposedly controversial nature (The strength of ,2008). The reason why the book has been the root of much controversy is that Ms. Stowe injected a lot of melodrama into her story, to the point that readers considered it a caricature of reality. Some of Ms. Stowe’s detractors contend that she did not sufficiently show the real horror of slavery, but instead, narrating the softer aspect of slavery in her novel (The strength of ,2008). Published in the early 1850’s, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was said to have contributed to the tension in America over slavery, and encouraged the abolitionist movement (The strength of ,2008). Abolitionists are those who fought for the abolition of slavery in America. Ms. Stowe was said to be a woman who was involved in religious and feminist causes (The strength of ,2008). Ms. Stowe’s influence on the American northern states was undisputed. In fact, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was said to have led to Civil War (The strength of ,2008). It is often reported that Ms. Stowe’s purpose in writing the novel was to expose the evils of slavery in the North, where many Americans were not aware of what was actually going on in the rest of their country (The strength of ,2008). The book, amazingly successful by selling 300,000 copies in its first year, inspired President Lincoln, upon meeting Ms. Stowe, to say, â€Å"So this is the little lady who made this big war (The strength of ,2008). † Uncle Tom’s Cabin 4 Despite this, many historians complain that Ms. Stowe’s novel is historically inaccurate, and that Ms. Stowe grossfully exaggerated the evils in slavery so she can drive home her point. These issues remain largely debated, except for one. The character of Uncle Tom has been detrimentally re-created a hundred times over, and in this paper, I will explore the character behind â€Å"Uncle Tom†, and why it has become what it is in today’s times. Uncle Tom has been charged with demeaning African Americans with his overly subservient behavior (The strength of ,2008). Modern times have derided Uncle Tom, and insist that his nature undermines the real struggles of black freedom through ingratiating himself with their white overseers and master. Ironically, I believe that Ms. Stowe created Uncle Tom to illustrate the brutality and cruelty of slavery during those times, and packaging Uncle Tom into a person filled with humility, dignity and ingrained with a strong, Christian faith (Page, 1996). Up until he drew his dying breath, Uncle Tom showed to be morally superior to his white masters by his ability to forgive those who had abused him to the point of death (Page, 1996). Let me introduce you to Uncle Tom. He is one of the long-suffering slaves of Arthur and Emily Shelby, and a dear friend of their very young son, George, who called him Uncle Tom. Faced with the possibility of losing their farm because of debts, the Shelby’s decide to sell Tom, and the son of Mrs. Shelby’s maid, Harry. When the maid, Eliza, finds out about this, she escapes with her son (Allen, 2008). Tom was sold and while traveling on a riverboat, she rescues a white girl, Eva, when she falls into the river. Her father, Augustine St. Clare, bought Tom from the slave trader Uncle Tom’s Cabin 5 and took him to live on their plantation in New Orleans. Meanwhile, Eliza met up with her fugitive husband, George, in an attempt to reach Canada. At that time, they were being hunted by a slave trader named Loker, whom George eventually shoots in a scuffle. Eliza convinced George to bring the wounded Loker to a Quaker settlement nearby, for medical attention (Allen, 2008). In New Orleans, St. Clare tries to prove to his cousin Ophelia that bias against blacks were wrong, and buys a young slave, Topsy, for Ophelia to educate. Eva dies of a protracted illness, and she shared a vision of heaven in her deathbed. People who heard her account changed for the better, and St. Clare vowed to free Uncle Tom. Before he can do so, St. Clare is fatally wounded in a fight. In anger, his wife sold Uncle Tom to a vicious Northern farm owner, Simon Legree (Allen, 2008). Uncle Tom endured endless tortures from Legree, specially when he refused to whip a fellow slave. Tom found refuge in his Christian faith, which he generously comforted the other slaves with. At one point, Uncle Tome refused to divulge to Legree where two fugitive slaves had run to, so Legree ordered him killed. Before he died, Uncle Tom forgave his killers, who, humbled by the experience, became Christians. Arthur Shelby’s son comes to buy Uncle Tom his freedom, but was too late. George went home to his own farm, frees all his slaves, and reminds them to remember Uncle Tom’s sacrifices and his unwavering faith in Christianity (Allen, 2008). Ms. Stowe described Uncle Tom as benevolent, kind, humble and simple (Willis, 2002). Of course, the white masters did everything to destroy a slave’s dignity and self-respect (Willis, 2002). Nevertheless, Uncle Tom kept his morality, and was transparent Uncle Tom’s Cabin 6 about yearning for freedom. This transparency and honesty is NOT the behavior of a subservient slave, who would not dare to venture his desires for freedom, even to a kind master (Willis, 2002). It is high time we re-think â€Å"Uncle Tom. † We should pay tribute to the depth of Uncle Tom’s character, rather than degrade him into an epithet. This development in latter times of deriding Uncle Tom is perhaps one of the most harmful and tragic historical developments in American culture (Allen, 2008). Despite the brutality in his life as a slave, Uncle Tom stood tall at all times. Sometimes, Uncle Tom would annoy readers because of his goodness. In fact, Uncle Tom could’ve run away from Arthur Shelby who trusted him with money. Yet, Uncle Tom never took advantage of Shelby, because of his deep-seated loyalty to his master (Willis, 2002). In the novel, Ms. Stowe does not provide a background on Uncle Tom. Therefore, one doesn’t know whether his loyalty to Shelby was something that was inculcated with him since childhood if he was born in the Shelby plantation (Willis, 2002). However, it is implied in the story that Shelby’s promise of freedom to Uncle Tom could have made Uncle Tom loyal, although Shelby never confirms when he will free Uncle Tom (Willis, 2002). Shelby even betrays Tom by selling him when he ran into debt (Willis, 2002). No matter what, Uncle Tom still continued to trust white people, and trust in God. Many readers disliked this behavior (Willis, 2002). Speaking of faith, Uncle Tom’s unwavering faith was put to the test when St. Clare sold him to Legree. Even though Uncle Tom maintained his loyalty and faithfulness to his master, he did contemplate about escaping (Willis, 2002). To note, escape for Uncel Uncle Tom’s Cabin 7 Tom was not exactly in the physical sense of escape, but in spiritual escape (Willis, 2002). On the other hand, Legree realized that Uncle Tom was a valuable slave who had capacities for large amounts of work. At the same time, Legree also recognized that he would have to break Uncle Tom’s spirit at some point, if he were to maximize Uncle Tom’s value (Willis, 2002). To recall, during their first confrontation, Legree ordered Uncle Tom to whip a slave girl. Uncle Tom refused by honestly telling Legree that his soul will not surrender to a mortal (Willis, 2002). He even egged on Legree by saying that if he died as a result of beatings, then that would just send him faster to heaven (Willis, 2002). This illustrates that Uncle Tom has been contemplating death, and ultimate escape from slavery. He was pragmatic about Legree, though, and knew with a certainty that Legree will not have second thoughts about killing him for resisting (Willis, 2002). A final confrontation yet occurs between Legree and Uncle Tom, when the former asked Uncle Tom to divulge where two runaway slave girls have gone to (Willis, 2002). Ms. Stowe reiterated that as two slaves brought Uncle Tom before Legree, Uncle Tom acknowledged the power of Legree. Yet, at the same time, he affirmed that God gave him the strength to face death, rather than be traitor to the two helpless runaways Legree was after (Willis, 2002). He sat his basket down by the row, and, looking up, said, Into thy hands I commend my spirit! Thou hast redeemed me, oh Lord God of truth (Willis, 2002)† Like Jesus Christ, Uncle Tom resigned to his faith to Legree. Legree symbolizes the Uncle Tom’s Cabin 8 â€Å"evils of slavery†, while Uncle Tom can be likened to the archangel who resisted Satan’s temptations (Willis, 2002). Through this moments, Uncle Tom’s courage, nobility and humility surfaces when he tells Legree that he is able to shed his blood for the sake of the innocent in the same way that Jesus Christ did (Willis, 2002). Legree deals Uncle Tom his death blow. When he died, he had forgiven his killers. Uncle Tom used passive resistance to the hilt until it brought him closer to his God through death. No. Uncle Tom was not an â€Å"Uncle Tom†. Uncle Tom’s was a more puritanical kind of Christianity (The strength of ,2008). Therefore, if a reader is searching for a revolutionary role-model, someone who captains his own fate in the most shaming circumstances, then he/she will not find that hero in Uncle Tom (Younge, 2004). However, one seldom finds revolutionary role models. Uncle Tom’s sense of duty despite his slavery, is depressing. When his wife urges him to escape together with Eliza, he says: Masr always found me on the spot he always will. I never have broke trust and I never will (Younge, 2004). Moreover, his unwillingness to align his principles to everyone’s own good, is frustrating. When tempted by a slave to kill Legree while the latter was drunk, Uncle Tom said: No! good never comes of wickedness. Id sooner chop my right hand off Uncle Tom’s Cabin 9 The Lord hasnt called us to wrath. We must suffer, and wait his time (Younge, 2004). Uncle Tom instilled in us his belief that he would rather wait for his true freedom in heaven, as opposed to fighting for his freedom on earth. I t is from this same well of belief is Uncle Tom able to preserve his basic humanism, despite daily exposure to degradation and deprivation of respect (Younge, 2004). It is in his stoic faith and consistency do we realize Uncle Tom’s integrity (Younge, 2004). Through his integrity, he was able to stand for himself, encourage and comfort his fellow slaves, yet at the same time, restrain himself from abhorring the whites (Younge, 2004). Hecne, to understand why this epitome of dignity, self-respect and faith has becme an epitome for subservience and betrayal, we have to look at politics, film and the theater (Younge, 2004). Stage renditions of Uncle Tom’s Cabin tookaway radical yet subtle anti-slave messages, turning the story into one, big, minstrel show (Younge, 2004). In fact, Uncle Tom was the first cinematic role played by a first lead in a black film in the year 1914 (Younge, 2004).

7 Chankras Essay Example for Free

7 Chankras Essay Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. Chakras are part of the subtle anatomy. The seven major chakras line up from the crown of the head to the base of the spine and connect to various endocrine glands. Each major chakra is directly associated with many aspects of the mind-body-spirit dynamic. When a specific chakra is closed, distorted, or congested, the perception of stress, disease, or illness may result (Seaward, 2012, p. 72.) Of the seven major subtle energy chakras, Western culture only recognizes the seventh chakra, known as the crown chakra. See more: Examples of satire in adventures of huckfinn essay The first chakra is known as the root chakra. It is found at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with safety and security issues; it represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) Furthermore, the root chakra is connected energetically to some organs of the reproductive system, hip joints, lower back, and pelvic area. Some health issues that are believed to correspond with disturbances of the root chakra include lower-back pain, sciatica, rectal difficulties, and some cancers (Seaward, 2012, p. 73.) Some of the emotional issues tied to the root chakra include survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) This chakra is known as the seat of the Kundalini energy, a spiritually based concept that is yet to be understood in Western culture (Seaward, 2012, p. 73.) If the Western Culture were to accept the root chakra, it would promote a deep, person al relationship with Earth and nature. When one is rooted in life, they are filled with satisfaction, stability and inner strength (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The second chakra, known as the sacral chakra, is associated with the sex organs, as well as personal power in terms of business and social relationships (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) It describes our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. It is located in the lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) The sacral charka deals with emotional feelings that are associated with issues of sexuality, sense of abundance, pleasure, and self-worth. When self-worth is viewed through external means like money, job, or sexuality, this created an energy distortion in this region. Obsessiveness with material gain is believed to be a means to compensate for low self-worth, therefore, created a distortion to this chakra. Some of the symptoms associated with this chakra include menstrual difficulties, infertility, vaginal infections, ovarian cysts, impotency, lower-back pain, sexual dysfunction, slipped disks, and b ladder and urinary infections (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) Accepting the sacral chakra would encourage people to more easily open themselves towards others, especially the opposite sex (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper stomach region, is the third chakra. This chakra feeds into the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, including the abdomen, small intestine, colon, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, and spleen. This region is associated with self-confidence, self-respect, and empowerment (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) It relates to our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) The solar plexus chakra is commonly known as a gut feeling – an intuitive sense closely connected to our level of personal power. Blockages to this chakra are thought to be related to ulcers, cancerous tumors, diabetes, hepatitis, anorexia, bulimia, and all stomach-related issues (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) Should the Western Culture accept the solar plexus chakra, it would promote feelings of peace and inner harmony within one’s self and in life. It would allow people to accept themselves complete ly, and respect the feelings and character traits of others (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The fourth chakra is known as the heart chakra. It is considered to be one of the most important energy centers of the body. The heart chakra refers to our ability to express love (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) It is located in the center of the chest, just above the heart (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) The heart is not the only organ closely tied to this chakra as the lungs, breasts, and esophagus are included. Symptoms of a blocked heart chakra include heart attacks, enlarged heart, asthma, allergies, lung cancer, bronchial difficulties, circulation problems, and problems associated with the upper back and shoulders. An important association exists between the heart chakra and the thymus gland. The thymus gland gets smaller with age and is believed to be a reflection of the state of the heart chakra (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) The advantage those in the Western Culture would see from accepting the heart chakra involve warmth, sincerity and happiness. These energies open th e hearts of others, inspiring confidence and creating joy among them (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The fifth charka is located and greatly connected to the throat. Organs associated with the throat chakra are the thyroid, parathyroid glands, mouth, vocal chords, and trachea. This chakra represents the development of personal expression, creativity, purpose in life, and willpower (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) The inability to express oneself in feelings or creativity distorts the flow of energy to the throat chakra and is thought to result in chronic sore throat problems, throat and mouth cancers, stiffness in the neck area, thyroid dysfunction, migraines, and cancerous tumors in this region (Seaward, 2012, p. 75.) Upon acceptance of the throat chakra, individual feelings, thoughts and inner knowledge could be expressed freely and without fear. Individuals are not manipulated by other’s opinions and they are able to stay true to who they really are without fear (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The sixth chakra, known as the brow or third eye, is located on the forehead, between the eye brows. It refers to our ability to focus on and see the big picture (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) This chakra is associated with intuition and the ability to access the ageless wisdom or bank of knowledge in the depths of the universal consciousness. As energy moves through the dimension of universal wisdom into this chakra, it promotes the development of intelligence and reasoning skills. The sixth chakra is directly connected with the pituitary and pineal gland and feeds energy to the brain for information processing. The wisdom channeled through the brow chakra is more universal in nature with implications for the spiritual aspect of life. Diseases caused by dysfunction of the brow chakra include brain tumors, hemorrhages, blood clots, blindness, comas, depression, and schizophrenia. These types of diseases are believed to be caused by an individual’s inability to see something that is extremely important to their soul growth (Seaward, 2012, p. 75.) The biggest advantage to the acceptance of the third eye chakra is an increased ability of visualization and comprehension of things intuitively. In today’s society, too many people don’t trust their instincts (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The seventh is the crown chakra. It is located at the very top of our head. It represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) The highest level of consciousness is reached when the crown chakra is fully open and functioning. Although no specific disease or illness may be associated the crown chakra, every disease has a spiritual significance (Seaward, 2012, p. 75.) Some of the emotional issues associated with this chakra include inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, and pure bliss (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) Western Culture is accepting only of this chakra. In fact, it is highly useful in acupuncture therapy. Resources MindBodyGreen. (2009, October 27). The 7 Chakras for Beginners: Healing, balancing, and opening your chakras with exercises, foods, colors. Retrieved January 10, 2013 from Richards, R. (2009, September 20). The Human Chakra System. Retrieved January 10, 2013 from Seward, B. L. (2012). Managing Stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being. Burlington, MA: Jones Bartlett Learning

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Implementation Of Compliance Monitoring Programme Framework Information Technology Essay

Implementation Of Compliance Monitoring Programme Framework Information Technology Essay Only UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) alone has issued over  £13 million of fines in year 2011 so far ( £89m in 2010 and  £23 in 2009). (FSA, 2011) For the larger firms, the monetary value of such fine may be a drop in the ocean. Nevertheless, it may pose a major reputational risk. According to Bank of International Settlements Principles on compliance function in banks (BIS, 2005:14), the responsibilities of the banks Compliance Function (CF) should be to assist senior management in managing effectively the compliance risks faced by the bank. Furthermore, BIS survey on implementation of compliance principles in banks (2008) shows that the core tasks of the compliance function defined in laws, regulations or binding guidance in respondent jurisdictions are monitoring and testing compliance by performing sufficient and representative compliance testing as well as reporting on a regular basis to senior management where the results of the compliance testing should be reported in accordance with the banks internal risk management procedures. (BIS, 2005:14; 2008:3) The importance of an effective Compliance monitoring program is continually growing due to the increased complexity of regulations, rising regulator activity and the growing impact of non-compliance. Compliance monitoring is, indeed, the heartbeat of any CF. The creation of compliance and policy manuals are important, however, such policy management might be irrelevant without an effective compliance monitoring. (ComplianceTrack, 2011) (Appendix) Therefore, it is essential that every CF takes advantage of monitoring process to its fullest in order to protect their companies from negative consequences that non-compliance in their area may have. The aim of this assignment is to briefly outline a framework for Compliance Monitoring Programme for a pan European Financial Services (FS) organisation. This I based on the material discussed in class, further research, as well as my personal experience with Compliance gained in Irish and international companies operating not only in the FS, but also in communications, hospitality and consultancy industries. The Teamwork Compliance, with Compliance Monitoring at its core, is considered as the 2nd line of defence in the overall company Integrated Assurance Framework, also known as the Three Lines of Defence. (Appendix) The business standing in the so called 1st line of defence owns, manages and controls compliance risks through management, procedures, controls, quality assurance. The compliance monitoring then carried out by the CF in the 2nd line of defence provides assurance that the business adequately manages its compliance risks. In the final 3rd line of defence the Audit both internal and external performs the overall assessment of the adequacy of compliance functions. BIS (2005:13) suggest there should be appropriate mechanisms for co-operation among all the above assurance providers within the Integrated Assurance Framework and with the head of compliance. These mechanisms should be sufficient to ensure that the head of compliance can perform his or her responsibilities effectively. Hence, not all compliance responsibilities are necessarily carried out by a compliance unit. Compliance responsibilities may be exercised by staff in different departments. (Appendix1, 2) Such coordination with other assurance providers may lead to one of the three following review approaches (Zurich, 2010): 1. Review execution is performed by another assurance provider (e.g. Internal audit performs an AML review). In this case, CF should support the assurance provider with technical expertise during execution of the review (e.g. support in setting up the review program). 2. Joint reviews. CF participates in a review led by another assurance provider. In this case only one report will be written by the assurance provider who has the review lead. 3. Compliance Reviews. If review types 1 or 2 are not feasible or adequate, CF performs an own Compliance review. BIS Principles (BIS, 2005:14) stress that if some of the Compliance responsibilities are carried out by staff in different departments, the allocation of responsibilities to each department should be clear. As might be expected, PWC research (2009:16) shows, that in practice the three lines of defence can and often do overlap, depending on the organisational compliance structure (e.g. embedded compliance staff in the business who undertake real-time surveillance of transactions to ensure compliance with AML, market abuse or client order handling rules). To resolve these confilicts, PWC recommends to put the CF squarely in the advisory category (i.e. in the second line of defence). This means operationalising the first line of defence where compliance control and day-to-day monitoring becomes more clearly the responsibility of the business, with the compliance function providing oversight and advice. (Appendix) The Virtuous Cycle (Compliance assurance process) 1. Risk Assessment The continuous cycle is usually annual and starts with risk assessment to detect potential compliance issues and risks, in accordance with companys risk appetite. The monitoring is typically (Appendix) planned on risk-based basis as this approach enables resources to be targeted to the areas where they are most needed and will prove most effective, potentially not only saving compliance costs but also gaining greater business support for compliance measures. (Better Regulation, 2008) The following sources need to be considered to determine which compliance risks should be monitored on the highest group company level: 1. Risk assessments, which can, for instance, be categorised by business areas or standards prescribed by regulator (e.g. FSA handbook categories) 2. Regulatory Environment: Laws, regulations, specific requests by the Regulator 3. Monitoring currently executed and planned in the future periods by other assurance providers 4. Local risk assessments and compliance plans Moreover, the required depth, breath and frequency monitoring activities depend on the size and complexity of the nature of the industry and the company itself. 2. Compliance Plan Based on this input, CF establishes its review needs, which should subsequently be discussed and coordinated with other assurance providers in order to leverage on the existing review frameworks and to avoid duplication, gaps and to limit business interruption. All defined reviews on compliance risks, irrespective of which assurance provider executes them, will be included in the annual Compliance Monitoring Plan. This Compliance Plan typically details the what (scope and objectives, problems/risks, priorities), who (resources), when (start and finish dates, major milestones), and how (activities to be carried out and data to be collected). 3. Compliance Data Collection and Testing The Compliance procedure manual tells you how to comply with the regulators rules. How do you, however, ensure that your company has been following this manual? The answer is by conducting compliance testing on a regular basis to see whether those procedures are working as expected, and what the exceptions are. (Cyriac, 2011) Hence, CF should have a process in place that systematically collects all the compliance-relevant information. The list below defines the main issue and risk identification activities that CF can use to monitor compliance risks (Zurich, 2010): Compliance Testing The aim of compliance testing is to conduct detailed evaluation of compliance-relevant procedures and internal controls (manual and automated) built into company business processes to asses whether these are adequate to manage the risk within the scope of CF. Tests should be completed clearly, concisely and accurately, in line with CF and company standard methodologies. Ideally, large portion of such testing population can be sources from company management information system such as records of complaints, errors, exceptions, mitigating actions and their status, trends, and the like. Reasonable sample sizes when testing areas with a volume of data (e.g. trades) should be used. (Cyriac, 2011) Compliance monitoring is meant to be both proactive and reactive. It should collect data to prove the availability of controls and validations and it should also collect data relating to failure. (ComplianceTrack, 2011; PWC, 2005) The actual frequency of tests is dependant on the abovementioned risk assessments. As a general guideline, higher risk areas are recommended to be tested more regularly, at least monthly, medium risk areas, at least quarterly, and lower risk areas, at least annually. (Cyriac, 2011) As mentioned earlier, the CF can take advantage of the connections, resources and expertise within the Integrated assurance framework in certain circumstances where the CF may require to increase the independence, quality and/or frequency of their reviews. The following basic steps may be executed when performing a Compliance test: Review Preparation and announcement Inform the Business about the planned review and discuss review process, scope, timing and collaboration Prepare the review by gathering information and establishing the review program Fieldwork Execute the review according to review program and file supporting review documents and evidence Discuss observations and actions with the Business Testing by Other Assurance Providers Regular meetings should be arranged within the Integrated assurance framework to identify potential issues that might have an impact on compliance risks. Also, CF should be kept in the loop in regards to reports from other assurance providers. Complaints External Perhaps also part of a good MIS, complaint handling procedure should exist where all complaints are registered and tracked for regularly relevant compliance statistics (e. g. number of complaints, summary of major topics, actions taken, status, development needs). Complaints Internal To encourage employees to express concerns, an infrastructure for reports (often anonymous) should be in place (e.g. dedicated contact persons, hotlines, email address, web forms, etc.) and all staff informed and actively reminded of its existence. Reported issues are investigated and acted upon in timely manner and reported to relevant stakeholders (e.g. number of complaints, major topics, status, channels used for reporting). Day-to-day Counselling Compliance should not be seen not just as a monitoring tool but as an active, ongoing support to management. As business progressively manifests the right behaviour embodying both integrity and innovation the need for the CF to police its activities diminishes, and the value-adding counsellor role comes more to the fore. (Appendix?) (PWC, 2005) Having a good relationship with the business is vital to the success of the compliance function, particularly when it comes to assessing the compliance risk of the business. Companies with a mature compliance culture tend to think of the compliance function as a vital element of business operations and no decisions on, for example, new business ventures or services would be taken without the involvement of the CF and its advice on all compliance risk areas. (Metheven, 2011) At the same time, however, the pendulum should not be allowed to swing unreservedly in the counsellor direction. Compliance has a critical role to play in compliance oversight and monitoring in order not only to provide the necessary comfort to (senior) management but also to frame the advice it provides going forward. A clear delineation needs to be set between doing compliance and monitoring compliance. (PWC, 2005) Yet, interestingly, in PWC 2009 (:15) survey of 76 financial institutions based in 16 European countries forty-eight percent of respondents say the difference between the compliance management and the compliance monitoring programmes is still not fully understood within their organisation. Hence, CF should attend all committees where compliance risks may be discussed. Annual Relationship Management plan is a popular solution, outlining minimum required regular meetings with management to discuss potential risks, issues and new developments. Regulatory Environment Monitoring Changes in regulation, laws and industry should be monitored systematically. Where action is required, owner of the particular area should be advised of the matter and the deadline for implementation. CF should ensure the owner has all support needed (compliance, legal etc.) so the deadlines and requirements of the new regulation are met. As usual, it is important to keep all stakeholders informed. Compliance officers increasingly appreciate the need for a coherent dialogue with regulators to gain a better understanding of their changing expectations and the need to monitor the upstream risks of new regulations more effectively. (PWC, 2009:4) To ensure no surprises, or last-minute scrambling and the associated unnecessary expense, particular attention should be paid to monitoring new regulatory proposals. (PWC, 2009:9) How do we do it? UK monitor it, tell us about it, agree deadlines, help us to read the docs ensure interpretation ok, bring directors into the loop,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Regulatory Action Monitoring Reviews, investigations and requests from regulatory bodies should be received and analysed. CF must ensure timely resolutions of such requests, possibly also coordinating the whole process. It is a good practice to share the results of the Regulators activities (e.g. regulatory review report including fines or sanctions where appropriate) and implementation progress (status of internal actions) with relevant stakeholders. Training The best practice dictates that annual Training Plan should be established to communicate regulatory/compliance matters to employees of the organisation. These activities can be measured (e.g. coverage, success rate, completed by deadline) and results used as indicators for next periods. Local CF monitoring Important part of Compliance monitoring in organisations consisting of various units/branches is to ensure that CFs across the company execute their tasks according to the company principles. (Appendix) This can be done by regular meetings of group CF with local CF units (e.g. one-to-one/joint, face-to-face/teleconference/online; discussing risks, activities, infrastructure), reporting (e.g. issues, risks, activities, KPI performance), periodic meetings with key local business stakeholders (e.g. satisfaction, cooperation, added-value, prioritization, resource), regular quality assurance reviews (carried out by CF and/or in cooperation with another assurance provider) Monitoring of Outsourced functions and activities There are strong parallels in approach in terms of controlling third-party networks and outsourced functions or activities. (Appendix) Key control elements stressed by respondents include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Quality of the due diligence exercise prior to entering the relationship à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Contracts and written agreements (service level agreements) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Robust monitoring by the (local) compliance function and testing exercises (for example, mystery shopping) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ongoing communication and training sessions à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Metrics/controls/reporting à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Quality of the compliance function within the third-party distributor or outsourcer, and compliance policies in place, as well as a clear definition of compliance processes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Onsite reviews by compliance and internal audit à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Complaints analysis à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Dedicated unit within the compliance function to oversee third-party distributors or outsourcers. Does IT help? Priority should be placed on the development and use of technology able to help management to really understand, on a timely and consistent basis, what is going on in the business. From the perspective of the CF, a robust technological infrastructure entails both sophisticated tools for monitoring compliance in business activities, together with appropriate tools for streamlining compliance function activities, and facilitating knowledge sharing. (PWC, 2005:11) The apparently low level of knowledge of IT within compliance functions supports the view that, in many organisations, the IT department is not considered to be a key stakeholder in the compliance function, and vice versa. However, PWC believe that technology is a key enabler to supporting compliance within the organisation, and presents a significant opportunity for many organisations. This means the use of technology to: Control and manage processes that cut across systems and organisational boundaries. Compliance touches nearly every operating and administrative unit and business process in an organisation so the task of controlling and managing the compliance process itself is huge. Each of these require appropriate application of technology in order to establish sustainable compliance. (e.g. document management, status reporting, automated internal controls) Appropriate use of IT can improve the quality of information and speed of delivery transferring data from one system to another, replacing manual processes for execution, analysis and reporting, challenging the quality of data, modelling alternatives and delivering reports and dashboard information to decision makers. Reliable information increases confidence to take action. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identify and manage events in a consistent and auditable manner. Technology is used to identify events and report exceptions. This involves optimising control capabilities in existing business and support systems, use of integration technologies to bring together information from disparate source systems and administering and monitoring of risk and control self-assessments and other surveys. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Build accountability into the management and reporting of events. IT help ensure action by creating a closed loop environment that incorporates accountability for each incident and requires action. (PWC, 2005:61) According to PWC (2005) survey of 73 FS (63% banking, 19% investments, 18% insurance) institutions in 17 countries, 36 percent of respondents considered inadequate IT infrastructure for compliance monitoring as one of the biggest challenges of achieving a compliant organisation. (PWC, 2005: 19) 4. Data Analysis Results of reviews on compliance risks, as defined above, should be captured and analyzed. Every Compliance function should systematically monitor and analyze the captured data in order to identify compliance risks, issues, problems and trends. Key Performance Indicators reflecting the monitoring activities can be an important part of the reporting dashboard and help to identify trends on a local and group level. 5. Reporting and Follow up Reports to stakeholders (e.g. those charged with governance) on compliance monitoring and analysis need to present a balanced view of the situation, risks, issues, actions taken, highlighting both positive and constructive/developmental aspects, and proposing improvement actions. Reporting happens according to reporting standards of the particular company but generally include the following: Write and discuss report, observations and actions with the business Share report with relevant stakeholders Follow up actions Sample Reporting Content Executive Summary Background Objective and Scope Description of compliance testing/review carried out Observations Rating of quality of controls and processes under review. Actions 6. Review Being part of the Integrated assurance framework, Compliance should itself be subject to regular view usually annual as mentioned above usually by external and internal audit. Benchmarking with industry peers is also a beneficial practice. Without processes to judge program elements and implement necessary improvements, any compliance program will have difficulty staying efficient, effective and up to date. Well-developed routine monitoring and periodic assessment processes, with clear paths for communication of recommended changes, may be the best sign of a mature and effective management system. (OCEG, 2004:2)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Organ Trail :: essays research papers

I have traveled the Oregon Trail many times in my day. From various mistakes I have made in the past, I have learned different procedures to take in order to prevent bad things from taking place. I have also learned many techniques that have helped me along my journey. I hope to share these steps of advice with the new travelers of the Oregon Trail. If these steps are followed, the ride is assured to be much safer. Important Steps To Take 1) Do bring plenty of money. There will be many different stops along the way where you can trade. It will be important to get new tools and belongings on your way to help you. You can also trade for food. You may run out of food on your trip so it will be necessary to have money as a side plane. 2) Do bring a riffle. It will be important to have a riffle for protection. There will be many dangerous obstacles along your way. You may have Indians or other men who stand in your way or wish to fight. You may also have animals such as buffalo that you can hunt and make great use out of. A riffle will definitely come in handy in your travels. 3) Do bring lots of water. Water will help you to stay healthy along your way. You can easily get dehydrated on a trip like this. Water is better then any drink because it helps you to maintain your body the best. Water will nourish all of the people on your wagon and keep them in good conditions. 4) Do bring basic medicines. It is easy for your fellow members to get ill on this long and harsh journey. You will face deadly weather conditions and many diseases along your way. While traveling there will be no close destinations to stop and recover the sick at. Nor will you have time to take breaks in order for the sick to get well. The medicine will help them get better as you continue to travel. 5) Do bring basic tools. You will go through various things where tools will be extremely useful. You may get stuck in the mud after a downfall near The Great Basin. You will need tools to help you work the wagon out of the mud. You may also need to fix parts of the wagon in case pieces break through the rough journey. Organ Trail :: essays research papers I have traveled the Oregon Trail many times in my day. From various mistakes I have made in the past, I have learned different procedures to take in order to prevent bad things from taking place. I have also learned many techniques that have helped me along my journey. I hope to share these steps of advice with the new travelers of the Oregon Trail. If these steps are followed, the ride is assured to be much safer. Important Steps To Take 1) Do bring plenty of money. There will be many different stops along the way where you can trade. It will be important to get new tools and belongings on your way to help you. You can also trade for food. You may run out of food on your trip so it will be necessary to have money as a side plane. 2) Do bring a riffle. It will be important to have a riffle for protection. There will be many dangerous obstacles along your way. You may have Indians or other men who stand in your way or wish to fight. You may also have animals such as buffalo that you can hunt and make great use out of. A riffle will definitely come in handy in your travels. 3) Do bring lots of water. Water will help you to stay healthy along your way. You can easily get dehydrated on a trip like this. Water is better then any drink because it helps you to maintain your body the best. Water will nourish all of the people on your wagon and keep them in good conditions. 4) Do bring basic medicines. It is easy for your fellow members to get ill on this long and harsh journey. You will face deadly weather conditions and many diseases along your way. While traveling there will be no close destinations to stop and recover the sick at. Nor will you have time to take breaks in order for the sick to get well. The medicine will help them get better as you continue to travel. 5) Do bring basic tools. You will go through various things where tools will be extremely useful. You may get stuck in the mud after a downfall near The Great Basin. You will need tools to help you work the wagon out of the mud. You may also need to fix parts of the wagon in case pieces break through the rough journey.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Audrey and John from The Hollow :: Drama

Discuss in detail, how you would play either Audrey or John in the selected scene. You will need to refer to voice, movement, gesture and facial expression, as well as to how your chosen character responds to others on stage. Scene sixteen, "The Hollow." This scene is set in a natural grassy scooped out hollow in the midst of the trees. The five children have plunged for safety because Raymond thought he heard something. He thinks it may have been the mysterious "him" but is not sure. This play is set in the 1940's, and this was when the country was at war, so they would have been scared that the Ities would capture them. The scene includes six characters: John, Angela, Willie, Audrey, Raymond and Peter. Angela is described as being pretty, with ringlet curls in blue ribbons. Audrey is said to be short, with straight hair and "cheap owl-like metal framed glasses" These descriptions suggest that Angela has more authority, or a higher status throughout the play. Angela is described to be everything that Audrey isn't, but she really wants to be just like Angela. In this scene, the five are very scared, and are huddling up to each other. If I were Audrey, I would be trying not to show I was scared, because she is more of a boy than Angela and does not care for dolls, or prams. I would be trying to show that I was brave. Audrey is trying to take interest in what the guards will do to the mysterious "him" if they catch him. If I was playing her, I would be very close to the boys, as if to be more on their side and more brave and boyish than Angela. Audrey is described as saying "never mind the pram," belligerently. This means that she is getting fed up with Angela because they have more important things to worry about. If I were Audrey, I would wave my hand at Angela as if to tell her to shut up, and get out the way. Audrey I trying to get in with the boys and the least she needs is Angela worrying about her stupid baby. When Audrey told Angela to literally shut up, this showed that she had the higher status. She resents the fact that Angela is always attracting attention from the boys, and this time, she has stuck up to her and the boys are on her side. She likes this. When John is told to go and have a look over the top, it is obvious that he doesn't want to, but he has taken on the sort of leader in the

Alternative Fuel Vehicles Essay -- Cars Resources Vehicle Essays

Alternative Fuel Vehicles Slowly but surely our nations natural resources are running out. In the near future our fossil fuels that we use to power our lives will be gone. As the years pass research of alternative fuels is becoming more and more imperative. Most important of all in the research of alternative fuels is that of alternative fuel vehicles (AFV). More emphasis should be put on the development of alternative fuel vehicles, because as each year passes our fossil fuel reserves decrease, there are great environmental benefits, and there are great future cost reductions. Others believe that some of the possible alternative fuels are unsafe, that there aren ¡Ã‚ ¦t sufficient alternatives to perform as well as gasoline, and that alternative fuel vehicles are just a fad. Through research conducted these false claims will be put to rest. The need for alternative fuel research goes back to the start of the 1990 ¡Ã‚ ¦s. Based on a statement from the California Energy Commission, during the 20th century energy has become more easily available, especially that of fossil fuels. Countries all over the world including our own depend on fossil fuels to not only generate electricity but also for use in vehicles. Each year more oil wells are found but how long will this last? This question has recently become a major reason for discussion in the governments all over the world, none more so than our very own country which consumes a huge percentage of the worlds oil supply. According to the California Energy Commission (CEC), fossil fuels are cheap and relatively easy to obtain. Once burned, however, fossil fuels cannot be used again, and they release gases such as carbon dioxide into the air. Such gases are not harmful in ... ...ative fuels we can cut a path for the future to follow, and maybe even make the world a cleaner and all around better place to live. References Bedard, Patrick.  ¡Ã‚ §What ¡Ã‚ ¦s the Deal on Electric Cars? ¡Ã‚ ¨ Car and Driver May 1992. Motavalli, J. (2000). Forward Drive: The Race to Build  ¡Ã‚ §Clean ¡Ã‚ ¨ Cars for the Future. United States of America. Sierra Club Books. California Energy Commission. Professor Quester Answers - Fossil Fuels. Retrieved April 19, 2003, from United States Congress. Office of Technology Assessment. (1990). Replacing Gasoline Alternative Fuels for Light-Duty Vehicles. 101st Cong.United States Department of Energy. Office of Transportation Technologies. (2002, September). Hybrid Electric Vehicle Program. Retrieved March 28, 2003, from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Paradise Lost – What Do We Learn About Satan’s Character from Line 84 To Line 191?

Milton's portrait of Satan has fascinated critics since Paradise Losts first publication, leading some in the romantic period to claim that Satan is, in fact, the heroic protagonist of the whole work. Certainly Milton's description of Satan has greatly influenced the devil's image in western art and literature since the book's publication. From lines 84 to 191 in Paradise Lost Book 1, we are introduced to the character of Satan, who has just been hurled from heaven, ‘because he trusted to have equalled the Most High'. As a reader, one first meets a stunned Satan, chained down to the fiery lake of hell, surrounded by his co-conspirators. From lines 84 to 127, where Satan is speaking to his good friend, ‘Beelzebub', Milton presents him as being nostalgic about heaven, ‘Myriads, though bright†¦ ‘ – something one sees significantly for the first and last time throughout the poem. Satan's great yearning for heaven is brief, and when finally suppressed, Milton offers a fine and revealing example of Satan's rhetoric and quick-moving contradictions, as he instantly expresses excuses for his failure. Firstly, he declares that ‘Till then who knew, the force of those dire arms? ‘ explaining how they were unaware of Gods powers before testing him. This is supportive evidence, backing up the suggestion that Satan is the supposed ‘Father Of Lies', as he is seen to be directly manipulating the truth. He manages to make ‘He with his thunder' sound as though God had taken unfair advantage by using an illegal weapon. Moreover, he never refers to God by his name, but as ‘He', ‘The potent victor', or ‘Our grand foe'. He makes a virtue out of his unwillingness to ‘Repent or change' – the very unwillingness which imprisons him eternally in the hell of himself. Much of what Satan says makes him sound grand and admirable because of the rhetorical force with which it is expressed, however when studied more closely it is seen to be more hollow, and even absurd. Satan claims that in the war against God, ‘He shook his throne', and that the battle was ‘dubious' – that it could have gone either way. This is obviously untrue, and again contributes to the image of him being a rather desperate liar. Satan's remarkably obvious sense of optimism becomes greatly evident towards the end of his speech, where he describes all the positive things that have been the outcome of their war. Firstly he boasts of how they have now gained experience of Gods power – ‘through experience of this great event', and then he persuades himself they have learnt a lesson from defeat, and ‘in foresight much advanced', will do better next time in the ‘eternal war'. In my opinion however, Satan's brave face is merely superficial. Beneath, he is racked with ‘deep despair', his essential spiritual condition. His ‘public face', is that of supreme dissembler, and it is impossible to know the extent to which he is deceived by his own rhetoric. This idea, creates effects of sympathy towards Satan's character as it almost suggests that he is hopeless and possibly even doomed. Throughout this particular speech, Milton in my opinion, indirectly forces juxtaposing emotions upon his readers in relation to the character of Satan – being that of sympathy Vs admiration. The feeling of sympathy, as he seems so determined to be a successful leader, however it is clear that he does not really know himself where he is leading to. Even though one might feel this pity, the admiration of his great courage to rebel against authority makes Satan more appealing and likable as a rebel. From lines 128 – 55, Beelzebub, the born second-in-command replies to Satan beginning by being sycophantic towards him, and then continuing the myth that their rebellion had ‘endangered' god. In contrast to Milton's confident and optimistic portrayal of Satan, he presents Beelzebub in a much dimmer light – portraying him as being heavily depressed through the repetitive use of emotive language, using words such as ‘destruction', ‘misery', pain' and ‘fire'. This key difference in character highlights the extent of Satan's sheer optimism in their situation, making him appear plausible for his determination and great courage, of which he appears to possess over the other rebel angel. Following Beelzebub's pessimistic and sorrowful reply, Satan forcefully attacks him with a powerful and persuasive speech, desperately hoping to uplift his despair. From comments such as, ‘to be weak is miserable', one learns that Satan is determined to scotch such defeatist talk and to abolish any sense of weakness. Although Satan shows signs of great commitment in his ambition to ‘pervert' God's providence, I think that he knows in his heart that he is on a hiding to nothing and the worst he can do is cause God temporary inconvenience. Words such as ‘disturb' and ‘perhaps grieve' illustrate Satan's rather poor plans to merely ‘irritate' God, with his language generally lacking the vigour one would expect from Satan. Although Satan lacks in the quality of his plans, he does successfully manage to in-force a sense of time and place – as well as a feeling of unity, for example through ‘Our enemy', ‘Our Own loss'. The effect of this is that it brings the rebels closer together reminding them that they have each-other, and therefore have a side. This shows us that Satan has great leadership skills, in that he holds the situation together and persuades his friends to follow his plans. Overall, I believe that from lines 84 to 191, Milton offers his readers an extremely complex and diverse view of Satan's character, indicating rather important aspects that his personality appears to dominate. As the image created is rather dependable, my personal attitude towards him so far is greatly ambiguous, feeling both attraction, and repulsion – many people, it is relevant to add feel the same about snakes. The most notable aspects that have so far had effect shaping my view of his personality are his sheer courage and energy – that he appears to have on such an enormous scale. However, when analysing the value of these qualities in themselves one is forced to question their significance. In actual fact, when studying all major aspects of Satan's character so far – the discussion of him rapidly turns into a series of endless questions, which I hope will soon be answered as the poem develops.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Identifying and Explaining Physical skills and Physical techniques Essay

Physical Skills* subsection height* star sit* fit(p)ness of arm rotations during speech communication* Ability to trough for extended periods of succession* Speed of the unpick upArm HeightEffects of High Actions* especial(a) bounce than usual* bare cubic yard and sometimes fielders are able to trend the ball too* Extra counterweight in the delivery stride* Extra accuracy, if the bowler has a side on action notably.Head PositionThis shows a delivery side on. The head position of this player is kept facing the target, genuine and steady at all times. focusing on the target leave abide the following things* The delivery ordain finally go where targeted at* No realizable injuries to the neck any sudden jerks go away stretch the neck muscles and sometimes will result in strains and tears* It will help in the momentum and residuum in the delivery strideSpeed of Shoulder RotationsIf a player wants to bowl quickly, the main aspects of bowling quickly is 1. The hurry ing of which the shoulder rotates and 2. An explosive action.Shoaib Ahktar, for example, has both of these and roll with tremendous stones throw, the rotations of his shoulder allow him to go speeds of everywhere 9Omph each delivery.Ability to bowl for extended periods of timeIn this identity card of a 1938 Test Match, M G Waite, a single bowler lawn bowling 72 overs. In doing this requires massive cardiovascular survival of the fittest, Stamina and Motivation. Two other bowlers bowled over between them, but these bowlers were spinners. M G Waite was most likely to be a seam bowler so this compositors case of bowler must be prompt for extensive bowling, including breaks at intervals though.Speed of the take out upFast bowlers such as Dennis Lillie and Michael prop all ball with neat pace and to do this they must guide a source The Run Up. twain these bowlers have unusually long run ups, Dennis Lillies at 47 paces and Michael Holdings at 5O. Cardiovascular Endurance and Stamina play a immense part in maintaining there pace and consistencyThe run up of these bowlers should be Smooth, Balanced, Economical, Rhythmic and Consistent.* Small steps initially led to larger strides* The body leans in front* The arms stay close to the body* The hands remain in motion, carried supra the waistband and the within the width of the dead body* The head remains steady, with the eyes fixed on the target.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics to date in the United States. Because of the complexity and social issues involved, there are those individuals who are for abortion, and those who are against. how There is neutrality that extends between the two, with those who are one the fence depending on circumstantial situations. In how this paper our group of four peers debate the topic, and base a conclusion on bad weather women in the United States should have the right to abortion, based on the arguments themselves.It should remain legal.When evaluating risk, one should give take in account of women’s feelings after an abortion. Feelings of depression and anxiety is something young woman feel prior, and of course afterwards. Women sometimes choose abortions because of medical issues with the babies, or horrifying circumstances leading to the unwanted pregnancy. Henry P.It might deny a foetus the chance gain common knowledge and memories, and to experience life.

Usual feelings after an abortion is relief, loss, sadness, and grief.It is okay to grieve and you should give yourself time to grieve. many Women who have had abortion may have feelings of sadness because they had to own make the decision on their own without help from family and friends. Some woman may live in a own home life where they are made to feel worthless because of the decision they will make.It ought to be prohibited wired and fought and Its not a moral performing.Abortions are performed with in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. Early termination the better is for the woman, less complications. Most woman receiving their abortion within the first 9 weeks report no complications afterwards. Less than 0.Several have pondered upon the importance of abortion.

Deciding to have an abortion is an important decision in itself and having others dictate you can or cannot choose makes the situation even more confusing.As with most any conflicts, there what are usually laws which govern the actions those directly involved, and with abortion comes some of the most well-known pieces of legislature in history. Today in the United States abortion is legal in every state due to the decision of Roe v. Wade.Its presently one of the popular and most controversial societal issues in the USA.On the same day of the Roe decision, another case in the state3 of Georgia was also decided on, in the case of Doe v Bolton we the state in question also was found to be in violation of the appellants constitutional rights.The twenty Ninth Amendment: The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage several others retained by the people. The Fourteenth Amendment: Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the U nited States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.Abortion isnt just the legal right of a woman, its the choice of a woman.

The side effects of abortion are sometimes critical. Some of them involve spotting logical and bleeding. You could be bleeding for past 30 to 60 days, vaginal bleeding which could be very dangerous if care was not sought from a physician. Another side affect is headaches and dizziness, fever and chills, nausea and vomiting, cramping, and diarrhea.Its the selection of a lady in whether part she wants to get one.Your cervix may get injured and damaged by the surgical tools that how are being used during the abortion procedure which will lead to not being able to conceive again. Women who have gone through abortion are at a greater risk of ovarian and cervical cancer. Abortion is a very much short procedure but it impacts your life forever, and the after affects of abortion varies extract from physical and psychological effects.Women may develop an eating disorders, or drugs on alcohol abuse, or they may have flash backs about the procedures themselves.Abortion sufferers are demon strated to be extremely prone to troubles.

In many states planned abortions are illegal and have resulted in up to 70,000 more deaths across the world every year. Many arguments support the issue on abortion. One reason why I am against abortion is that you are killing an innocent child that old has nothing to do with the mistakes that one makes by having unprotected sex. You should not kill an unborn child because you are ashamed and afraid of what people might say about you.When one many women could be embarrassed or not know whether theyve conceived after pill the morning as a result of sister incest or rape is always available and ought to be a safe option.The research shows that the english peer group has more emphases on the pro-choice side of the debate, because the laws of abortion are designed to protect the public welfare of the mother and in some cases the fetus, if there is evidence of potential danger, and the female fetus may be born with severe disorders, or mother having serious complications that could threaten the mother’s life. In the past, abortions were not as safe as they are today due to advanced technologies, making abortion safer than they’ve ever been before.Abortion is sometimes the best course because of medical issues, and sometimes due to other horrifying circumstances in which some women may become pregnant, such as rape, incest, and or other circumstances that may be legitimately valid reasons, and may lessen the quality of life for the child or mother. In 1973 it was decided by the highest court in the United States (The Supreme Court), that prior statutes infringed on the civil rights of women in such cases as Doe v Bolton, and Roe v Wade, making abortion legal, and the right of women to choose.Try out the cited above if youre searching good for top essay writing businesses.

Arguments for Pro Choice. Retrieved from website: http://www.buzzle.Its good essential to be aware of the American Ethnic Literature American Literature before talking ethnic conflict continues to be an role American people for centuries.(n.d.). In Legal Information Institute.Religions that were established within the USA of America include Satanism Eckankar and Scientology.

html. Dudley, S., Ph.D.There are several reasons why you could be pro-life.d.). Retrieved from multi National Abortion Federation. Revised December 2006.Abortion was legalized in the usa of 1973 on January 22.

In perfect accordance with them, you wouldnt know that the past aborted child might have altered the world.(2012, late April 14). No One Called Me a Slut. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.Human life begins at the time of conception.d.). In Legal additional Information Institute. Retrieved from http://www.

The usa is the most important nation on the planet.They has fought a lot of times for various reasons.html. Sengupta, S. (2010, early June 30). Should Abortion Be Legal.America faces many troubles.