Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Develop Goals Essay

As the course of weeks of planning have interpose realizing a campus improvement plan is an essential item for any growth of a learning environment. Modifying our processes, teaching practices and student learning is vital to notice in order to make our action plan become successful. We must not forget the fact that our action plan is intertwined with the vision and mission set up by the administration team for the campus. Following this will be a chart as a draft of a school improvement plan based on the data acquired from Del Castillo Elementary. It includes a summary of the feedback and goals set by my principal mentor and several other stakeholders from the campus. Through positive collaboration, teamwork from all stakeholders and the correct support the plan can be implemented in a successful manner for continuous improvement. Strategies Set up lessons and assessments based on the TEKS tested for each grade level. Match readiness and supporting standards set up on the TEA blueprint to meet weekly assessments given in class. Provide training for teachers based on best practices and test taking strategies to be used by students. Goals: (See Figure 1.1) The results of the 2014 STAAR test demonstrates a need for improvement in 4th grade writing, 3rd grade reading and math, and 5th grade reading and math subjects. Resources: Journeys Reading Program (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), Empowering Writers (J. Mariconda), Pearson Envision, Campus Reading Coach, Campus Dean of Instruction, STAAR Workbooks (varies by grade level) Target Barriers: In 2014 the 4th grade percentage for the writing STAAR test was at 47 percent meeting standard, this will need to increase to  70 percent. For 3rd grade reading it was at 37%, it will need to increase to 50%. 3rd grade math was at 41%, it will need to increase to 50%. For 5th grade reading it was at 36% it will need to be raised to 60%, and for math it was at 42% and it will need to be raised to 67%. Action: Data reports of TEKS mastered will be used by teacher to provide interventions for each of the above subject mentioned, to target each learner’s area of difficulties. Provide questionnaires to several stakeholders to improve the structure of testing. (See figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) Personnel Responsible: Classroom teachers, reading coach, dean of instruction. Evidence of Completion: District Benchmark (1 for the fall semester (November) see Figure 1.2, 1 spring semester (February).) Percentages, 2015 STAAR results taken in April 2015. Figure 1.1 2014 STAAR Results (Percentage of Students Meeting Standard) Figure 1.2 2014 District Benchmark (November) Figure 2.1 Student Questionnaire Purpose: To improve a testing experience for our students to increase the percentage of students meeting the standards of the standardized test. 1) What grade levels have you attended Del Castillo Elementary? 2) Do you enjoy having no physical education time or pullout time during testing days? 3) Would snacks during testing break help you focus on the test? 4) Do you enjoy incentives provided for passing your benchmarks? 5) How many brain breaks do you believe you should receive during a testing day? Figure 2.2 Parent Questionnaire Purpose: Parents are knowledgeable of testing procedures and improve motivation from parent to student at home. 1) Do you express confidence in your son/daughters campus to teach the skills necessary to meet the standard of the standardized test? 2) Do you prefer public schooling or private schooling? 3) Would you like extra services to teach your child not to have test anxiety? 4) Do you prefer for classroom teachers to teach to test or have enviroment rich activities? 5) Do you believe standardized testing creates a negative impact on your child? 6) If a teacher does not have a good percentage of students passing the STAAR test, would you judge that teacher as a â€Å"bad† teacher? 7) How many years have your children attended Del Castillo Elementary? 8) Are you satisfied with the kind of motivation the campus promotes to your child to motivate them to pass the STAAR test? 9) How many of your children attend Del Castillo Elementary? 10) Are the STAAR scores important for you? 11) What do you consider more important your child’s STAAR scores or report card grades? Figure 2.3 Teacher Questionnaire Purpose: Promote motivation within teachers to increase passing percentages. 1) What is your position at Del Castillo Elementary? 2) How many years have you been teaching in this campus? 3) Would you prefer to work a private school campus that does not require students to take a state mandated standardized test? 4) What do you think should be the student to teacher ratio for the testing grade levels? 5) What kind of motivation rewards should be offered to students that meet the standards on benchmarks and on the STAAR test? 6) Are the resources provided useful to your instruction to teach all TEKS tested in your grade level? 7) What supplemental aids should be provided on a yearly basis to increase the percentage of students passing the STAAR test? 8) Do you feel that you have to â€Å"teach to the test†? 9) Does the emphasis on improving state standardized test scores impact your classroom positively or negatively? 10) How much emphasis did your school place on students’ state standardized test results to evaluate your performance? 11) Has the use of state standardized test scores and outcomes  led you to consider leaving the profession? 12) During the last school year, how much pressure did you feel from school administrators to improve state standardized test scores?

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